When: Sunday, November 12, 2023 @ 1:00 p.m.
Place: Virtual
Moderator: Alvin Takamori
About the Moderator: Born in Los Angeles, as the younger of two boys, to an accountant and a seamstress from Hawaii, Alvin grew up in Gardena. The encouragement of a kindergarten teacher introduced him to painting, and he’s been attracted to a creative life ever since.
After studying physics at Occidental College from 1979-1981, the desire to pursue creative interests led to a transfer to study industrial design at CSU Long Beach. In 1987, he began working at the studio of one of his former instructors. Stacy Dukes. There he was primarily a craftsman, building custom signage, displays, and benches and installing them. But he also did work as a draftsman, sculptor, model maker, designer and photographer.
With the development of computer technology, Alvin transitioned to a career in graphic design. For many years, he has created the graphics from ideation to production for the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute. It included flyers, posters, postcards, programs, calendars and signs. In the last decade, Alvin has returned to fine art, painting watercolors and acrylics. In his work, he depicts nature, family and community.
Business Meeting: 2:00 pm meeting or after program
Program: Featuring local artists working in different mediums: pastel artist Mike Ishikawa, batik artist Donna Nakasone, traditional sumi-e artist Asako Ota, multidisciplinary artist Yoshie Sakai who works with video, sculpture, installation and performance, and watercolor and acrylic painter Alvin Takamori.

Image: Alvin Takamori